[M] Skin Texture Pack [Torinyan]
﹥[Mega] Body Skin Texture Pack [Torinyan Base] ♡︎ᅠ
﹥Info [Term A]
• Texture by ying.vr made for Paid Toribase: Link or old Link ♡ᅠ
• This mega pack contains:ᅠ
﹥Face Texture [Torinyan Head] [Link] ᅠ
﹥Skin/Texture Pack [Torinyan Base] [Link]ᅠ
• This pack contains all styles and colors(face texture and body texture) made for Toribase.
﹥Up to 10% off on Payhip: yingyangvr.storeㅤ
Showcase﹥Face Texture [Torinyan Head]
• Style A | 19 textures/colorsᅠ
• Style B, C, D and E | 13 textures/colors(each style)ᅠ
﹥Skin/Texture Pack [Torinyan Base]
• Style A | No ABS | 19 main texturesᅠ
• Style B | Low ABS | 19 main texturesᅠ
• Style C | ABS - | 19 main texturesᅠ
Showcase﹥Rules [Term A]
✅ Credit me ying.vr and also include the link to store.
✅ Allowed on Personal, Sale and Public(pedestal) avatars.
✅ Allowed: You have permission to edit, but resale is prohibited.
❌ Not Allowed: Free, Free in server and Nitro avatars; any or all free distribution is prohibited.
❌ Not Allowed: include this asset in tattoos/edits package(Includes paid/free distribution).
❌ Not Allowed: claim, redistribute or resell this asset.
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﹥Read the detailed rules before purchasing: [Terms and Conditions to use]❗
By using any product from the YingYangVR store, you agree that you have read and accept the rules, If the rules are broken, you will be subject to the DMCA.
86 sales
﹥Up to 10% off on Payhip: https://yingyangvr.store
This pack contains all styles and colors
(face texture and body texture)
Textures for the paid version of Toribase
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